The Following Script was used to Measure the Elevation Difference for Line #6 (closest to Earl Pass) of Boreas Day 24: IDL> @rdsldgeo % Compiled module: $MAIN$. Select Data file! % Compiled module: PICKFILE. % Compiled module: XREGISTERED. Opening /boxhill/kstill/boreas96/96bor24/prdata/96072406.geo for input Reading 23920 records IDL> baselat=53.216433 IDL> baselon=254.33968 IDL> baselev=402.636 IDL> dist=basedist(c.flat,c.flon,baselat,baselon) % Compiled module: BASEDIST. IDL> print,min(dist) 2.0843519 IDL> closest=where(dist eq min(dist)) IDL> print,'closest shot to earl =',closest closest shot to earl = 12903 IDL> print,'elevation of closest shot =',c(closest).elevation elevation of closest shot = 402.595 IDL> print,'elevation difference =',c(closest).elevation-baselev elevation difference = -0.0414734