LAI_otv_gf_program.txt ;******************************************************************************** ;PURPOSE: ; This software estimates the Leaf Area Index from hemispherical photographs ; using the following steps, in order: ; 1. Gets the Histogram for each hemispherical Image ; 2. Gets the OTV following Sahoo et al. 1997 ; 3. Gets the LAI using the gap fraction method. Norman and Cambell 1989 ; ;AUTHOR: ; Robinson I. Negrón Juárez @ University of Sao Paulo. May 2001 ; ;NOTE: ; suggestions at ; ;WARNINGS. ; 1. Hemispherical photographs must be gray-level images, such that ; for a given pixel R=G=B ; 2. You must know the image dimension as well as the effective area ; of the hemispherical photograph. ; 3. Other warnings will be updated in brief. ; 4. , and the hemis. photo must be in the same directory ; ;REVISON HISTORY: ; RNJ: 20070818. The Software was merged (HISTOGRAMS, OTV, GAP Fraction) ; ;******************************************************************************** ; ;################################################################################ ;########################### FAIR USE (read carefullly)########################## ;########################### DO NOT Remove this note. ########################### ;################################################################################ ; ;This software is available as-is without any warranty. You must not claim authorship of ;the original software. If you use this software or part of its concepts in your ;RESEARCH WORK an acknowledgment and citation (see below) are required. ;For purposes other than research please contact to: ; Dr. Humberto R. da Rocha. ; E-mail: ; Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas/IAG/Universidade de São Paulo ; Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, SP - Brasil ; Cep 05508-090 - Tel +55(11)30914713,30914705 Fax +55(11)30914714 ; ;Acknowledgments: ; Thanks to the Laboratory of Climate and Biosphere at IAG- Univerity of Sao Paulo ; ( for making available ; its LAI-OTV-GF software supported by CAPES and FAPESP (Contract 02/09289-9). ; ;Citation: ; Negron Juarez, R.I, H.R. da Rocha, M.A. Silva Figueira, M. L. Goulden, and ; S. Miller, An improved estimate of leaf area index based on the histogram analysis ; of hemispherical photographs. Agric. Forest Meteorol. (2008), ; doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.11.012 ;################################################################################## Close, /All ;######################################################################### ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;================= ; Controlers ;================= ;inputs and Outputs Files ;------------------------ CD, 'C:\Users\robinson\USPP003_Lai_AgrForMet\LAI_IDL_Programs\LAI_OTV_GF\' ImgDir='C:\Users\robinson\USPP003_Lai_AgrForMet\LAI_IDL_Programs\LAI_OTV_GF\' ImgFiles=File_Search(ImgDir,'*.bmp', Count=nimg) FileOut='LAI_OTV_GF.txt' ;Image Dimensions: You must know it ;----------------- NCOL=640 NFIL=480 ;Effective area (the hemispheric image): You must know it ;---------------------------------------- NCini=100 NCfin=579 NFini=0 NFfin=479 ;leaves Clumping factor: You must provide this information ;---------------------- ClFc=0.8 ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;######################################################################### ; OpenW,2, FileOut thisformat='(A70, 1x, 5(A10, 1x))' PrintF,2,'IMAGE', 'LAI', 'X', 'MSE', 'K', 'Tmean', Format=thisformat For im=0, nimg-1 Do Begin ; ;========================= ;1.getting the Histograms ;========================= HMIN=100 HMAX=255 PTSHISTO=HMAX-HMIN+1 B=IntArr(NFIL, NFIL) ;====================================================================== ; ____________ ________ _ _row 0 (A) the total size of Image ; | 640 | | 480 | (B) the efective area ; | (A) |480 | (B) | of the hemisph. ; | | | |480 Photo. and radius=NFIL/2 ; |___________| |______|_ _ row 479 ; 0 639 cl:100 cl:579 RNJ 24/04/01 ; Original Size Area containing the Hemispherical Photograph ;====================================================================== window, xsize=NFIL, ysize=NFIL,TITLE='FOTO HEMISFERICA -- LCB | Imagem: '+ImgFiles[im] HISTO=FltArr(PTSHISTO) Image= Read_BMP(ImgFiles[im]) R = Reform(Image(0,*,*)) ; Because in gray-level images for a given pixel: R=G=B B=R[NCini:NCfin, NFini:NFfin] ; TOMO EL SECTOR CUADRADO DE LADO 2r, For I=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For J=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin If (B(I,J) LT 10) Then B(I,J)=10 Else B(I,J)=B(I,J) EndFor EndFor BB= B radio=(NFIL/2.0) Tvcircle, radio , NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL; 1=BLACK, NOTHING= WHITE A=TVRD(TRUE=1) AA=Reform(A(0,*,*)) For I=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For J=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin If (AA(I,J) GE 150) Then AA(I,J)=255 ELSE AA(I,J)=0 EndFor EndFor ARO=AA CC=ARO+BB For M=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For N=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin If (CC(M,N) EQ BB(M,N)) Then CC(M,N)=0 Else CC(M,N)=BB(M,N) EndFor CC=CC EndFor DISCO=CC TV, DISCO HISTO(*)=Histogram(DISCO, Min=HMIN, Max=HMAX) ;================================================== ;2.getting the Optimal Threshold value ;(Sahoo and Albert 1997, Opt. Eng. 36(7), 1976-1981 ;=================================================== EPixP=FltArr(PTSHISTO) EPixB=FltArr(PTSHISTO) dif=FltArr(PTSHISTO) For t=0, PTSHISTO-1 Do Begin Pi=HISTO/(Total(HISTO, /NaN)) ; Probability of gray-level values. PiP=Total( Pi[0:t],/NaN ) IF ((t+1) EQ 156) Then Begin PiB=0 EndIf Else Begin PiB=Total( Pi[(t+1):PTSHISTO-1], /NaN ) EndElse PiB=PiB ; a priori Total entropy ET=-1*Total( Pi[0:PTSHISTO-1]*ALog(Pi[0:PTSHISTO-1]), /NaN) ; black (preto:P) pixels entropy EPixP(t)=-1*Total( (Pi[0:t]/PiP)*ALog( Pi[0:t]/PiP), /NaN ) ; white (brancos:B) pixels entropy IF PiB EQ 0 Then Begin EPixB(t)=0 EndIf Else Begin EPixB(t)=-1*Total( (Pi[t+1:PTSHISTO-1]/PiB)*ALog( Pi[t+1:PTSHISTO-1]/PiB), /NaN ) EndElse EPixB(t)=EPixB(t) Dif(t)=(EPixP(t)-EPixB(t))^2 EndFor Dif=Dif DifMin=Min(Dif, /NaN) Threshold=Where(Dif EQ DifMIn, count) Threshold=Threshold+100 ; My scale starts at 100 (and runs to 255) ;============================================================== ;3.getting the Leaf Area Index by using the Gap Fraction Method ;Norman, J.M., and Campbell, G.S., 1989. Canopy Structure. ;In: Pearcy R.W., Ehlesinger J., Mooney H.A. Rundel P.W. (Editors), ;Plant physiological Ecology. Field methods and ;instrumentation. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 301-325 ;============================================================== ZENITH=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70] NAZ=N_Elements(ZENITH) GFd= FltArr(NAZ) window, xsize=NFIL, ysize=NFIL,TITLE='GAP-FRACTION - LCB IAG/USP' For ZZ=0, NAZ-1 Do Begin ; Changing the Zenith angle For I=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For J=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin IF (B(I,J) GE Threshold) Then B(I,J)=255 Else B(I,J)=10 EndFor EndFor BB=B ; Original Image with threshold radio=(NFIL/2.0)/15.0 ; In the CI-110 the zenith range from 0 to 75 dg ; ASI QUE TOMO EL RADIO =75/15 => (NFIL/2)/15 ; ZENITH (+-5°) van GARDINGEN ET AL. 1999 AFM, PG.247 Case ZENITH(ZZ) Of 10:Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*3.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*1.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 20:Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*5.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*3.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 30:Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*7.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*5.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 40:Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*9.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*7.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 50: Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*11.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*9.0 , NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 60:Begin tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*13.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*11.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase 70:Begin tvcircle, radio*16.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL tvcircle, radio*15.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2, /FILL tvcircle, radio*13.0, NFIL/2, NFIL/2,1,/FILL EndCase End A=TVRD(TRUE=1) AA=Reform(A(0,*,*)) For K=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For L=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin If (AA(K,L) GE 150) Then AA(K,L)=255 Else AA(K,L)=0 EndFor EndFor ARO=AA CC=ARO+BB ; --- Segment of interest For M=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin For N=0, NFIL-1 Do Begin If (CC(M,N) EQ BB(M,N)) Then CC(M,N)=0 Else CC(M,N)=BB(M,N) EndFor EndFor DISCO=CC ;--------Getting the Gap Fraction BR=Where(DISCO EQ 255, COUNT) W=Double(COUNT) PR=Where(DISCO EQ 10, COUNT) P=Double(COUNT) GF=W/(P+W) If (GF EQ 0.0) Then GF=0.000005 Else GF=GF GFd(ZZ)=GF Erase ; erases the current screen EndFor ;calculating the LAI ZENITH=[10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60, 70] ; Zenith Angles 10-70 Z=Tan(Double(ZENITH*!PI/180.0)) NZ=7 ; number of zenith angles TR=DblArr(NZ) ; --------- GAP PRACTION for each AZ and LAI calculation TR(0)=GFd(0) TR(1)=GFd(1) & TR(2)=GFd(2) & TR(3)=GFd(3) TR(4)=GFd(4) & TR(5)=GFd(5) & TR(6)=GFd(6) For K=0, NZ-1 Do Begin ; PARA ZENITH 10-70 IF TR(K) EQ 0.0 Then TR(K)=99999 Else TR(K)=TR(K) EndFor TR=TR T=Double(Alog(TR)) TMEAN=Mean(T) ;;-------- FINDING X USING THE BISECTION METHOD, Norman and Campbel, 89--------- A=0.1 & B=10. & X=1. & DX=0.01 While ABS(A-B) GT DX Do Begin S1=0.0 & S2=0.0 & S3=0.0 & S4=0.0 For J=0, NZ-1 Do Begin TZ=Z(J) KB=SQRT(X^2 + TZ^2)/(X+1.774*(X+1.182)^(-0.733)) DK=(SQRT((X+DX)^2 + TZ^2)/((X+DX)+1.774*((X+DX)+1.182)^(-0.733))-KB) S1=S1+KB*T(J) S2=S2+KB*KB S3=S3+KB*DK S4=S4+DK*T(J) EndFor F=S2*S4-S1*S3 ;print, X, F If (F LT 0.0) Then A=X Else B=X X=(A+B)/2.0 EndWhile IF (S2 NE 0.0) Then Begin L=-S1/S2 EndIf Else Begin L=99999 EndElse LAI=L/ClFc ;ClFc: clumping factor ;; MSE between o measured K and calculated K sum_erro=0. Tmedido=DBLARR(NZ) & Tpredito=DBLARR(NZ) & difsqrt=DBLARR(NZ) For Kk=0, NZ-1 Do Begin Tmedido(Kk)=EXP(T(Kk)) Tpredito(Kk)=EXP(-(SQRT(X^2 + Z(Kk)^2)/(X+1.774*(X+1.182)^(-0.733)))*LAI) difsqrt(Kk)=(Tpredito(Kk) - Tmedido(Kk))^2 sum_erro=sum_erro+difsqrt(Kk) EndFor MSE=sqrt(sum_erro/7.) If (MSE GT 1) Then MSE=1 Else MSE=MSE ;; printing out PrintF,2,Format='(A70, 1X, 5(F10.6, 1X))',ImgFiles(im),LAI, X, MSE, KB, TMEAN Print, ImgFiles[im], LAI EndFor Close, 2 Print, 'Done :-)' END